TMJ/TMD Treatment in Houston, TX

TMJ/TMD Treatment in Houston, TX

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, is a condition that causes pain in the jaw. The pain can be mild to severe, making chewing food painful and difficult. Many cases of TMD are caused by bruxism, which is grinding the teeth in your sleep. This puts too much stress on the jaw muscles and can lead to pain in the morning. Other causes of TMD can include arthritis, anxiety, misalignment of the teeth, or tightening of the muscles in the temporomandibular joint.

If you are experiencing jaw pain, it is essential to contact our dentist at A+ Dental Specialists immediately to schedule an appointment and get a diagnosis of what is causing the discomfort. Our dentist can also provide you with treatment options to help minimize your pain and discomfort and get you back to feeling like your usual self. Treatments include using an oral appliance worn at night to prevent you from grinding your teeth in your sleep, medications, physical therapy, and even surgery for severe cases.

The Symptoms of TMJ

  • Jaw pain
  • Earaches
  • Swelling near the jaw joints
  • Difficulty chewing, speaking, or yawning
  • Clicking sounds when opening the mouth wide
  • Locking of the lower jaw in the open position
  • Involuntary movements of the jaw

Treatments for TMJ

Self-Care and Lifestyle Modifications

In mild cases of TMJ disorders, self-care measures and lifestyle modifications may be sufficient to alleviate symptoms. This can include practicing stress reduction techniques, avoiding complex and chewy foods, using moist heat or cold packs on the affected area, and practicing relaxation exercises.


Over-the-counter pain relievers like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with TMJ disorders. In some cases, muscle relaxants or tricyclic antidepressants may be prescribed to manage muscle spasms and related pain.

Oral Splints or Mouthguards

Custom-made oral splints or mouthguards can help reposition the jaw, alleviate pressure on the TMJ, and reduce teeth grinding or clenching habits that may contribute to TMJ disorders. These devices are typically worn at night or during periods of increased jaw stress.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be beneficial in managing TMJ disorders. Techniques such as jaw exercises, stretching, and manual therapy can help improve jaw mobility, reduce muscle tension, and increase jaw strength. In some cases, ultrasound or electrical stimulation may provide pain relief.

Dental Treatments

In cases where bite misalignment or malocclusion contribute to TMJ disorders, orthodontic treatment or dental adjustments may be recommended. This can involve orthodontic appliances, dental crowns, or dental reshaping to improve the alignment of the teeth and reduce stress on the TMJ.

It's essential to consult with our dentist on treating TMJ disorders to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. For the best dental care, visit A+ Dental Specialists at 9968 Bellaire Blvd, Ste 170, Houston, TX 77036, or call (713) 774-2100. Our dentist can assess your symptoms, perform a thorough evaluation, and recommend a tailored approach to manage and alleviate your TMJ-related concerns. 


9968 Bellaire Blvd Ste 170,
Houston, TX, TX, 77036

Fax: (713) 774-2101

Office Hours


TUE - WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm


FRI - SAT9:00 am - 5:00 pm
